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594 Korea Elevator Maintenance Association Holds Rally to Condem..

Korea Elevator Maintenance AssociationRally to condemn unfairness of remunerative subcontracting billActually banning all subcontracting, causing subcontracting crisis and poor maintenance2012/06The Korea Elevator Maintenance Asso..
593 The latest security technologies in one place...'Security Ko..

The latest security technology in one place...'Security Korea 2012'Security devices and information protection items, organized into two themed exhibition halls2012/06 On the 15th of last month, 'Security Korea 2012' was held..
592 Hyundai Elevator Wins Order for 360m/min Super Speed Elevato..

Hyundai ElevatorHyundai Elevator wins order for 360m/min ultra-high speed elevator for Rutai Center in ChinaThe contract was won against high competition...accelerating the company's expansion into the global market2012/06 Hy..
591 Korea Elevator University Hosts Special Lecture on Space Ele..

Korea Elevator UniversityJapanese expert invited to give special lecture on space elevatorsSpace elevator carbon nanotube development, from dream to reality!2012/06 Korea Elevator University (President Park Young-kyu), a univ..
590 International Elevator & Escalator Expo 2012

Huge Chinese market, 22 countries - 703 exhibitors, 100,000 visitorsHigh efficiency, energy saving, and safety themes, serving as a promotional platform2012/06The 10th International Elevator & Escalator Expo 2012 was held at t..
589 Guangzhou Guangri Elevator Brings High Efficiency GreenMAX S..

Guangzhou Guangri Elevator CompanyTargeting the domestic market with the high-efficiency GreenMAX seriesCo-produced with Hitachi and Sowera to produce 15,000 units per year2012/06 Guangzhou Guangri Elevator, part of the Guang..
588 XIZI Elevator Assy Group generated RMB 1.1 billion in revenu..

Last year's sales reached 1.1 billion yuan, not domestic, but overseas!Entering Southeast Asia, becoming a global elevator parts powerhouse2012/06XIZI Elevator Assy Group, which plays a central role in XIZI UHC Group, participated..